2 min readJul 20, 2020


Media — Please Don’t Call Him the Leader of the Free World

He withdrew the United States from most treaties or agreements that could insure a future — for the earth as well as the remaining citizens who live (momentarily) in free societies. He has broken alliances with nations vital to our interest and freedom.

Daily he demonstrates his poor manners, not to mention amateurish and simplistic diplomacy (if you can use that word without smirking).

He has torched any sense of decency and fairness. He has opened wounds that we didn’t even think existed and once opened, he applied salt. He has turned neighbors against neighbors, brothers and sisters against brothers and sisters. He has quite literally torn families apart. Yes, torn them apart. He has removed children from parents and incarcerated both.

He has fawned over brutal and savage dictators who treat their own populations like cannon fodder. To prove his worth to these state criminals he has betrayed the Kurds, the Europeans, the Ukrainians, the Palestinians, not to mention the hapless citizens of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and The United States of America.

He has used public funds to break the law, not merely with Ukraine, but almost daily. It is we that pay for him to travel to his rallies. It is we that pay for him to stand in the Rose Garden and denigrate his political opponent (breaking yet another law while doing so).

He has made us less free. Think not? Try to freely visit one of the national parks he has sold off to mining or drilling companies. Try to peacefully protest.

He has set the army on peaceful citizens. He considers the streets of America a place that need to be dominated. Why he never used the same tactics to bolster Ukraine’s efforts on their eastern border is anybody’s guess. Well, no it’s not: he is a coward. This is the opposite of a leader.

And now, having messed up the country’s response to the novel coronavirus, and after actually abandoning states to their own devices, he began to compete with them for resources. He daily criticizes the very same governors that he abandoned. Yet, he takes no responsibility. When in the history of any country in the world have you heard a leader, never mind the President of The United States, assert that he takes no responsibility?

And now, with the largest number of coronavirus cases in the world, and the largest number of subsequent deaths, he hawks beans for Goya from the oval office. Yes, he places cans of beans on the Resolute desk and gives the thumbs up. What a disgraceful thing to do.

He began his reign of terror by informing us of the darkness in our own country, which until then did not exist. Now, he has proven it by delivering it.

These are not the actions of a leader of the free world, so please don’t call him that. Don’t use the phrase as a joke, or sarcastically. Please, don’t call Trump the leader of the free world.

